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- C O O K ' S H E L P E R
- by Lee O. Clinton
- One of the main uses of a computer is keeping track of tidbits of
- information. The computer term for a program like this is "database". You
- may not know it, but you probably have a paper-based database in your
- kitchen right now, in the form of a recipe box. While it is probably pretty
- handy for finding recipes, since thumbing through 8x5 cards is something our
- hands do quite well, your box of cards won't help you much in making
- calculations or writing up a shopping list.
- COOK'S HELPER is an 80-column recipe and menu database that will
- astound you with its features, and take kitchen management into the 21st
- Century. Some of its features are:
- - holds up to 125 recipes per recipe file
- - sends output to disk, screen or printer
- - prints recipes on single 5x8 cards, one recipe per standard page, or two
- recipes per page
- - allows you to search for recipes by type, title, preparation time or
- ingredients
- - permits up to 125 recipes per disk and 15 recipes per meal menu
- - generates a shopping list
- - allows you to customize the screen colors, cursor style, drive set-up,
- printer configuration, etc.
- - has pop-up utilities such as a metric-SAE converter, a full-screen
- notepad, directory, and even a graphic printer set-up
- - supports word-wrap in all of its input routines
- There are help screens all over the program. At almost any time you can
- press Commodore-H and the relevant help screen for that part of the program
- will be displayed. Since Lee has made the program so intuitive, and has
- placed prompts and helpscreens everywhere, I will not even attempt to
- describe everything here.
- Here's what you do to get started. First, copy COOK'S HELPER onto an
- empty, formatted disk. It will create a 550-block RELative file so you need
- the whole side of a disk free. You create this file by choosing
- INITIALIZATION from the first menu. The first time you boot the program
- you'll see a message that says that no configuration or recipe file has been
- found. Don't worry about this -- the next time it will find your files, if
- you have saved them.
- The INITIALIZATION will take a couple of minutes. It's a big file. Now
- you can go to the RECIPE MANAGER and enter in some recipes. Since
- file-copying COOK'S HELPER and creating the RELative file takes longer than
- a whole disk copy (if you use one of the high speed copiers like SNAPSHOT,
- WARPSPEED, MAVERICK, etc.) it's not a bad idea to make some copies of your
- newly created COOK'S HELPER disk for future use...especially if you have a
- LOT of recipes.
- You may want to configure the program first. When you choose the
- CONFIGURATION MANAGER option from the first menu, you can set a whole lot of
- parameters that will be remembered the next time you use the program. Some
- things you can set are the screen and text colors, the printer ESCape codes
- (so you can get graphic printouts if you want), your drive set-up, and even
- the look of the cursor. The default parameters set by Lee are all pretty
- standard, so you don't NEED to do this.
- COOK'S HELPER supports two types of printout. If you have set the
- printer codes (in the CONFIGURATION MANAGER) for your printer, then you can
- print out ANY screen in the program, including help screens. On my STAR
- NX-1000C I used Lee's default parameters and it printed the screen nicely,
- sideways on the paper in large size letters. It used 8 to turn on dot
- graphics mode and 20 to turn it off. Check your printer manual to see what
- your codes should be, enter them into the printer screen of the
- You may find that no matter what you do, you can't get the graphics
- printout to work. This is quite typical in the world of Commodore where
- even the "standard" printers aren't. Don't sweat this! The things you will
- want to print, the recipes, menus, shopping lists, etc., all print out in
- normal text mode from their respective menus. The only thing you will be
- missing is the ability to dump the screen to printer whenever you want.
- There is a pop-up utility menu available anywhere in the program. You
- display it by pressing the Commodore key (which pops up the menu), then the
- letter of the utility you want. This menu looks like:
- C - Conversion calculator
- D - Disk directory
- H - Help screens
- N - Notepad (with wordwrap)
- P - Print screen
- NOTE: in this program, which is 100% in ML, the 'print to the screen'
- display is very fast and may scroll up off the screen. Keep your finger by
- the NO SCROLL key when viewing anything to the screen. Just tap it and the
- display will wait for you to press the key again.
- The RECIPE MANAGER section is like a standard database. Use the keys
- listed at the bottom of the screen to move from field to field, entering in
- your ingredients and recipe instructions. The top eight or so rows of the
- recipe screen are for ingredients. Just move the cursor down the screen and
- soon you'll find yourself in a colored rectangle. Here is where you can
- enter the directions for concocting that culinary masterpiece your
- grandmother passed on to you.
- Everything is prompted. Just keep your eyes at the bottom of the screen
- for supported keypresses.
- After you've entered enough recipes for a well-balanced meal, you can go
- to the MENU MANAGER section. Here you choose recipes from a highlighted
- list and put them together into a meal's plan. From here you can print out
- everything, including a detailed, totaled shopping list. Forgetting to get
- an important ingredient is a thing of the past.
- The SEARCH feature is especially handy. If you are looking for a quick
- meal, you can search for recipes with short preparation times. If you've
- got some extra liver in the fridge, get rid of it quick by searching for
- recipes that tolerate liver.
- I could go on and on about the many features of COOK'S HELPER, but
- there's no need (or demand) for it. Copy the program using a file copier,
- or our Copy It feature, initialize it (create the REL file), and jump right
- in.
- You may find that you enjoy COOK'S HELPER as much as you do Aunt
- Minnie's Rutabaga Surprise. Make mine with creamed beets!
- FT
- **** End of Text ****